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US Department of State: Impunity Continues to Spread in Cambodian Society as Government Ignores Human Rights Violations

 Similar to previous ones, the State Department maintains that there are credible reports that government officials That includes police officers who have committed abuses without impunity, and in most cases the government has not taken action. Not at all.The US State Department has found that in 2020, there were significant human rights abuses committed by the government in connection with Torture, punishment, arbitrary detention and treatment of political prisoners. Cambodia still does not have an independent judiciary, arbitrarily interfering with the private lives of its citizens by spying on communications Electronic systems, as well as severe restrictions on freedom of expression, freedom of the press, and freedom of the Internet. Political rights are also severely restricted by the government. The State Department finds that governments reduce the ability of citizens to change their government peacefully through free and fair elections. At the same time, corruption is rampant, especially in the judiciary.The report notes that in at least one case, the government or its agents have committed extrajudicial killings or arbitrary killings. That is the case of Tuy Sros, one of five people arrested in a land dispute in Banteay Meanchey province. He died in custody in January 2020. The report also cites cases of military and police officers physically and mentally abusing and severely beating detainees. Crime, especially during interrogation. As for arbitrary arrests, the State Department says that as of July 2020, local NGOs have recorded arrests. 16 cases of arbitrary human trafficking, while the actual case may be more because most of the victims live in rural areas and they do not put Complaint.